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Sunday 25 October 2020

Our Moon

– The Lunar Fascination Continues In All Serenity

‘The Moon is a friend for the lonesome to talk to’ said Carl Sandburg and for many of us, this is a reality as also a stress buster. At night when it shines luminously, it makes my life bright and meaningful. With so many imperfections, it is still the most beautiful and the most fascinating natural satellite to watch from our planet with naked eyes. It was time for me to join many fellow enthusiasts and other curious people from around the world to watch the Moon.
The Moon
Image Credit: Tharangini

Our Moon

-A Closer And Keener Look To Satisfy Our Curiosity

I have always felt that when making celestial observations, it is always better to respect one’s traditions, people’s cultural beliefs associated with the moon. Since ages, man’s life has been intimately connected with the Moon and their lives too are woven around it, in whatever form they are. In fact, the earth’s satellite is represented sometimes as a male deity or female goddess in different cultures.

Image credit : Kantharaj

Friday 23 October 2020

The Talented Gollas

- Wandering Bards On The Streets Of Bangalore

The Tuesday morning was dull and cloudy, like most mornings in the recent months in Bangalore. The sun was sufficiently obscured and the sense of time was lost as the whole day looked uniformly grey.  With great difficulty, I was trying to motivate myself to begin the day's chores. It has not been an easy task these days with both the weather and the covid scenario keeping most people closeted indoors.

Tuesday 13 October 2020

Giridarshini Homestay - BR Hills

Last updated on : 9th December 2022

Tucked away in the base of BR Hills is a quaint homestay. I first visited this place around 2011 and have frequented there pretty often. In this new 'We recommend' section we are starting, I thought I could introduce this place to all our readers in case a trip to BR hills is planned. This is the Giridarshini homestay.

The front view

Monday 5 October 2020

Chikkamagaluru – The Marle Heritage

- With Its Intricate Siddeshwara Temple

The Marle Hoysala temples stand like sentinels in the remote backyard of Chikkamagaluru taluk in Karnataka. The age-old temples of Marle from the 10th century have stood the test of time despite its neglect. These unknown temples are just 14 and 17 kilometers from the world famous Belur and Halebid temples but nobody is aware of this. 

Outer temple walls
Outer temple walls

Chikkamagaluru - Marle Hoysala Heritage

-With Its Ornate Keshava Temple

Moving out of the tourist circuit, Tharangini and I  decided to take a peek at an ancient temple complex which is not on the map of any pilgrims or tourists. But since our aim is to highlight unknown heritage structures, we decided to visit. Making our way out of Chikkamagaluru town after an afternoon siesta, we crossed many green fields that were basking gloriously in the afternoon sun.  Even as our glance moved from left to right, it showed farmers were busy harvesting their crops while some youngsters were loitering around in village corners.
Veeresh, our friend who had been talking about this ancient temple complex in Marle village drove us to this place but it became a bit circuitous as even he had forgotten the way. However, a few villagers guided us to this beautiful complex standing in one corner adjoining a huge water tank. We could not reach the temples as the road was cut and we had to take a U-turn and crisscross many dozing cattle to reach the temple gate.
A view of the temples
A view of the temples