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Sunday 31 May 2020

Le Jardin Botanique - French Connection And More

Walking amid the quiet solitude of the Le Jardin botanique, I wondered why is that a Botanical garden was developed in Pondicherry and for what purpose? Also,  I don't how many of you are aware that the famous Hollywood production "Life of Pi" was shot in this very garden but there is no tangible evidence of the movie' shooting here.

In fact, when the landscape was being designed and the garden being developed, some say it dates back to 1740 and not 1836, it seems it was done for a very specific purpose – to preserve the species that was brought from different countries and also make it a learning space for many who visited this garden. Over the last 200 years, many botanists have left their footprints at this place. In every period, they have not only increased the collection, but have also added new species to it.

Le Jardin Botanique

So from 800 species, it grew and grew .The tall, monster like Khaya senegalensis from central Africa continues to occupy the pride of this place.  If the huge Cannon ball trees adds its own musky fragrance, the massive silk cotton trees reverberate and tell you that they too are words to describe as they add aroma, beauty, color and different hues.

Trees at Le Jardin Botanique

The shapely crowns, canopies of trees whose trunks come in different shapes, sizes, heights and width is a Botanist's delight. The flowering trees in different seasons attract insects, bats and birds even as a small train chugs around showing the garden's attractions to young and old.

When the French came to Pondicherry they missed the quaint landscaped gardens of their native land and they wanted to contribute their bit to a land which they had colonized. Also it is said they wanted to develop a green patch of forest as during those days no forests were to be seen in the coastal landscape of Pondicherry. So the French have left not just heritage monuments but also a beautiful patch of natural heritage. Therefore, the list of flora if you can count, is very long in this garden with 2200 trees, 198 genus, 298 species, 60 families, 100 medicinal plants...I can go on and on but let's take a break.

Le Jardin Botanique

But the main reasons for setting up this garden by the French was for testing cultivation of many crops in the eastern coastal region. They wanted to identify those plants that were suitable and could adapt to the agro-climatic conditions of Pondicherry. Hosting a collection of exotic and other native species, the Le Jardine Botanique is of immense interest to horticulturists, researchers and students of botany.

In fact, it has became a major centre for the department of agriculture for showcasing a variety of flora. Apart from the fossilized trees, the labeled shrubs and trees in the midst of the garden makes it easy for people to identify the species and its nativity. Our local guide told us the French brought many species from around the world and planted it. But how many thrived and survived is a big question mark as there are no records.

Le Jardin Botanique nature center block

Le Jardin Botanique green house

Although the gardens have a musical fountain with two shows per day as a centre piece but they are active only during the weekends and so I missed seeing it. Even the aquarium, I did not bother to see as it was empty while the Green house has a big display and collection of  leaves, fruits, seeds and seedlings of a variety of crops. The seeds are maintained and safely kept inside glass showcases with clear classification including their botanical names.

Le Jardin Botanique

Le Jardin Botanique

Although in the 2011 cyclone, the botanique underwent lot of damage, losing as many as many 150 year old trees, authorities have somehow managed to retain the remaining heritage. If one does not bother about the broken seats and dilapidated pathways and the shabbily maintained garden, one can still enjoy the fresh, verdant and invigorating only green patch in the midst of the old Tamil town and learn how many old and ancient  ones are surviving cheek and jowl with new floral additions.

Location map:

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