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Wednesday 6 November 2019

The Tungabhadra Weaving Her Magic At Anegundi

She is so serene and mesmerizing that she beckons one to her lap, inviting them to play and enjoy in her gentle and white waters. She is none other than the mighty Tungabhadra River flowing in the mystical land of Kishkinda (now known as Anegundi) near the World Heritage Site of Hampi in Karnataka, India.

Kids playing in the Tungabhadra
Undaunted by the river's force

And one afternoon, when I traversed across craggy rocks and hills in this fabled land where once Lord Rama and Hanuman met for the first time, I came across kids of all ages taking a flying leap into the flowing waters without a worry or thought. On a weekend, you too can come here and forget all your stress and worries and leave it in the Tungabhadra at Anegundi.

All four kids named Veeresh pose for a click
The Veeresh Saga

Four kids came running to me in all their innocence– each of them claiming to have the same name -Veeresh and poured their joy of how they were enjoying their break from school. Like fishes, they were attuned to every mood and tune of the river and knew where to take a dive and run across to take a flying leap.

View of Tungabhadra from the Chintamani temple complex
View from the Chintamani temple complex

After having your fill of the river, you can climb on to see the Kingdom of  Kishkinda, the birthplace of Lord Hanuman. The Chintamani Temple Complex has all that one wants to see – deep caves and relics overlooking the river where people claim it was here that Lord Ram did penance and met Hanuman for the first time in his search for Sita. Click Here for more on the caves.

Not many people can be seen in Anegundi (meaning Elephant Pit in Kannada) as most tourists visit Hampi to see the temples, palaces and monuments but do not make an effort to come to this magical land.

October to January is the best season to visit – the river is in full flow and one can just relax or soak oneself in the divine waters or take a swirling coracle ride across.

But before that visit the ……..Tulasi Brahmin’s café who serves you the best food (Rice and Roti) on plantain leaves at reasonable cost. The only issue with them is – one has to inform them one hour in advance and they will prepare the best vegetarian food, hot and piping food for you. It is just a stone’s throw away once you leave the temple complex and a bit further and across Anegundi Palace.

Just 20 kilometers from Hampi, the way to Anegundi is picturesque as one gets to see verdant fields, lush with weaver bird’s nests, lakes abutting with egrets, cormorants and what not, rocky hills and even houses from the Vijaynagar period. Otherwise, you can travel directly from Bengaluru to Anegundi which is 360 kilometers. Or better to travel to Hospet which is just 35 kilometers from Anegundi.

Location map:


  1. Awesome ... Next time will visit 👍✌️

  2. Very nicely articulated and gives us a feeling of being present there.

  3. Meera, you have made us travel along with you. Can't wait to visit the place.
